Reflections on Our Participation at CNE 2023 with Ingrid Control Web

13 October 2023

Our session followed an informative workshop on “New Uses – Wind Energy’s Contribution to Electrical System Balancing,” featuring presentations from the Energy Regulatory Commission, RTE Electricity Transmission Network, Enedis, and Agregio Solutions.

RTE Electricity Transmission Network emphasized the importance of more comprehensive and reliable scheduling of renewable energies, and the need for integrating wind power into adjustment mechanisms. 🗣️

Enedis highlighted that transmitting dispatch schedules is a regulatory requirement for power producers with installed capacity over 1 MW. 🗣️

The Energy Regulatory Commission shared its findings on the increased need for renewable energies to participate in balancing mechanisms, especially with the growing penetration of renewables in the electrical mix. 🗣️

Impact and Vision of Sparksis

We are convinced that our Ingrid Control Web solution plays a crucial role in helping producers and operators meet these integration and flexibility challenges of renewables in the electrical system.

It was an enriching event that not only allowed us to highlight our platform but also to discuss vital issues for the future of wind energy.

We eagerly await the next opportunities to share our innovations and contribute to the evolution of the sector. 🎤